Asbestos Testing Reading

Asbestos Testing Reading
Asbestos is a group of six naturally occurring fibrous minerals composed of thin, needle-like fibres. Exposure to asbestos causes several cancers and diseases, including mesothelioma and asbestosis.
Asbestos was integrated into many building products throughout commercial and domestic buildings, including asbestos cement roof tiles, asbestos cement roof under-cloaking, asbestos insulating board (AIB) ceiling and wall panels, vinyl and thermoplastic floor tiles.
If you have a home or building built before the year 2000 and are planning renovation work, it is not uncommon for potential asbestos containing materials (ACM's) to be found.
An asbestos surveyor will complete asbestos testing in Reading to determine if the item is an asbestos containing material.
The material will be sampled and submitted to a United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited laboratory for analysis. Sample turnaround between 1 - 3 days depending on urgency.
If you are having domestic or commercial building renovations completed on a premises built before the year 2000, it is not uncommon for you to require asbestos testing. If you are in need of asbestos testing, please do not hesitate to call Anthony Asbestos Consultancy for a free consultation.